Efficient Grain Experts


From developing a plan to market your grain, to executing sales, to storing and drying, rest assured that we will handle your needs expertly and efficiently. At Agri Trails, we understand that our success is based on the financial health of our producers, and we utilize our trading experience and market connections to offer the highest price we can for your grain. And with 14 locations serving 11 counties, one of our delivery locations is nearby no matter where you’re located in our territory.

Programs & Contracts

Forward Contract

A straightforward way to market grain. There is no set amount that must be contracted and no service fee. Unlike options and Minimum Price Contracts, there is no premium to be paid. However, with a forward contract farmers cannot benefit if prices rise, and we will work with producers if they can’t deliver.

Basis Contract

When basis levels are strong, this contract allows you to lock in that strength and set your futures price later. Contracts are done in 1000-bushel increments. There is a service fee if you roll your position forward, and you can roll the contract forward one time when you notify us by first notice day for the applicable futures contract

Hedge to Arrive Contract

This contract allows you to lock in the futures price, while allowing the basis to be set at a later date. There is a service fee for this contract. These contracts are also done in 1000-bushel increments.

Minimum Price Contract

Offered as a way to price a crop ahead of time, while still allowing a farmer to benefit should prices rise before delivery comes due. Basically, these contracts use exchange-traded options to back up the contract. However, unlike an option, a farmer does not have to come up with the money for the premium. The cost of the premium is deducted from the contract price.

Defer Pay Contract

This contract allows for grain to be delivered, while payment is deferred until a defined point in the future. If a farmer operates on a cash accounting basis, this contract may be an effective way to manage tax liabilities. In addition, Agri Trails pays 1% interest over the period the payment is deferred.

Bonus Premium Contract

The bonus premium contract allows the producer to receive a premium on an old crop or new crop sale. To receive this premium, one must place a firm offer to sell deferred bushels at call strike sold. 1000 bushel minimum and fee associated with this contract. An example can be seen here. Call Alex at Hope office if you have any questions.

Cash Bids & Futures


ATC closing grain prices as of 2:00 pm CST on
January 23, 2025
CropOld CropChangeNew Crop'25Change
Wheat    5.01     -4      5.40    -4
Milo    4.00     +6      3.99    +4
Corn    4.30     +6      4.09    +4
Soybeans    9.66     +10      9.73    +6
Oats    2.65      -         -      -
 **These bids reflect closing prices on the above date. These bids are only updated at market closing time and do not reflect market changes during day or night trading.** 


Grain Commentary

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Grain Team