Lock In Profits
Feb 07, 2020

We all do it. We get in the habit of watching the commodity markets rally then we hurry up and sell after we have left a bunch on the table in the quick reversal of fortune. Grain marketing is one of the most important parts of the farm operation but it is also the last part the producer thinks about. There are many ways to lock in profitable grain margins and yet time and time again we watch it slip through our hands.
The beginning of 2020 has been interesting to say the least, between the multiple new and updated trade deals going into effect, Swine Fever and the Corona Virus, there is a lot of tug and pull items hitting the markets, and we don’t know which way to look. Therefore, I can’t stress enough about knowing your crop break evens and locking in bushels when you know you are in the black. You don’t have to do it all at once but you should know your insurance guarantee, and you should start layering in sales with your guarantee in mind. The market will give you opportunities this year, it is up to you to make the sales and not wait till tomorrow because you think it may go higher.
Agri Trails is here to help you with a variety of contracts. We will gladly sit down with you to look at break evens and have a conversation about your individual operation. Please reach out to us if there is anything we can do.
Jake Leis
Grain Merchandiser
The beginning of 2020 has been interesting to say the least, between the multiple new and updated trade deals going into effect, Swine Fever and the Corona Virus, there is a lot of tug and pull items hitting the markets, and we don’t know which way to look. Therefore, I can’t stress enough about knowing your crop break evens and locking in bushels when you know you are in the black. You don’t have to do it all at once but you should know your insurance guarantee, and you should start layering in sales with your guarantee in mind. The market will give you opportunities this year, it is up to you to make the sales and not wait till tomorrow because you think it may go higher.
Agri Trails is here to help you with a variety of contracts. We will gladly sit down with you to look at break evens and have a conversation about your individual operation. Please reach out to us if there is anything we can do.
Jake Leis
Grain Merchandiser