2022 ATC Plot Tour
Aug 18, 2022
| Agri Trails Coop Inc
Come look at the corn and soybean test plots in Herington, Woodbine, and Chapman.
2021 Seed Savings Starts Now
Oct 26, 2020
| Agri Trails Coop Inc
Aaron Brinkman, Sales Agronomist, discusses the new XtendFlex® trait, early seed discounts, and key hybrids from CROPLAN® and DEKALB®.
2020 ATC Plot Tour
Aug 24, 2020
| Agri Trails Coop Inc
Come out and look at the new Asgrow Xtend Flex soybeans and Dekalb/Croplan corn plots.
Passing on the Benefits to You
Jul 11, 2020
| Agri Trails Coop Inc
We were fortunate to hold our annual meeting just days before the pandemic shut things down. Those in attendance heard about a solid year financially, with sales of $150 million, local savings of $1.184 million and total net earnings of $3.4 million.
Grid Sampling
Jul 10, 2020
| Agri Trails Coop Inc
Grid sampling enables a producer to place fertilizer where needed rather than uniformly across the entire field. Through accurate fertilizer placement, you increase the odds of seeing a yield response to applied fertilizer. Additionally, all fields have a great amount of variabil...
Once Is Not Enough
Jul 08, 2020
| Agri Trails Coop Inc
Every year prior to pasture season, producers vaccinate their cattle and treat them for both internal and external parasites. These products provide excellent results, but unfortunately provide little, if any, residual protection. Once the protection level starts to drop, insects...
Navigating an Uncertain Marketplace
Jun 29, 2020
| Agri Trails Coop Inc
Wheat harvest is quickly approaching and I know everyone is itching to get the grain out of the fields and into the bins where we can reap the benefits of months of hard work.
Simple, Affordable, Automatic Yield Maps
Jun 26, 2020
| Agri Trails Coop Inc
If precision farming is in your future or something you already do, a yield map is the single most important source of data there is. It is the report card for your current year and the key input to next year’s agronomy plan.
Time to Fight the Flies
Jun 26, 2020
| Agri Trails Coop Inc
When it’s warm enough to make you think of summer, it’s warm enough for flies to start buzzing around! More than a nuisance, flies can spread diseases like pink eye (face flies), anaplasmosis (horn flies, stable flies), and mastitis (horn flies, stable flies, housefli...
Trial Shows Impact of Fungicide
Jun 26, 2020
| Agri Trails Coop Inc
Technology continues to change the way we evaluate the effectiveness of ag products and applications. In particular, Climate FieldView™ allows us to more easily compare treatments within the same field by choosing specific applicator passes.